Data Inconsistency
Existing frameworks and standards are inconsistent
EU oriented, not always highly applicable for Hong Kong & China

IST Solution
Research & ESG Benchmarking
Offering independent research provided by leading universities and industrial leaders
Establishing ESG “rule setters” in Asia
ESG benchmarking: real estate and hospitality
ESG Benchmarking: Real Estate
Sharing our best practices in harnessing technology with other real estate developers
“Digital twins” that utilize IoT and sensors to help build, visualize, measure, optimize and report key sustainability indicators such as energy efficiency, carbon emissions, water consumption, and etc.
Establishing ESG standards for the real estate industry

ESG Benchmarking: Hospitality
The hotel sector accounts for around 1% of global carbon emissions
Hotels need to reduce their absolute carbon emissions by 66% by 2030 and by 90% by 2050*
iclub Wan Chai Hotel became Hong Kong’s 1st ever carbon neutral hotel in 2010
Establishing ESG standards for hospitality